پانل های سری XT
Any single zone or any combinations of zones can be
configured to release
Configurable first stage sounder delays
Configurable detection delays
Zero time delay upon manual release option
Compatible with I.S. barriers
Non-latching zone input option to receive signals from
other systems such as aspirating equipment
Countdown timer shows time remaining until release
Supports up to seven, four-wire status indicators
Configurable extinguishant delays up to 60
seconds in 5 second steps
Configurable extinguishant duration up to 5
minutes in 5 second steps
Supports up to seven, four wire status indicators
Built in Extract Fan control
Approved and certified to EN12094-1, EN54-2
and EN54-4
پانل های سری AXT
UL864 and FM Listed
Three initiation circuits as standard
Any single zone or any combinations of zones can be
configured to release
Configurable first stage NAC delays
Configurable detection delays
Zero time delay upon manual release option
Supports up to seven, four wire status indicators
Built in Extract Fan control
Compatible with I.S. barriers
Non-latching zone input option to receive signals from
other systems such as aspirating equipment
Configurable releasing delays up to 60 seconds in 5
second stops
Configurable releasing duration up to 5 minutes in 5
second steps.
Countdown timer shows time remaining until
پانل های سری +XT
Approved to EN12094-1, EN54-2 and EN54-4
16 detection zones
Up to 4 extinguishant areas
Dual extinguishant outputs for each area (configurable as
First and second stage sounder outputs for each area
First and second stage volt free changeover contacts for
each ara
Released volt free contact per area
Fault volt free contact per area
Programmable extinguishant delay
Programmable output duration
Countdown indicator shows time until release in
Mode select and manual release controls per area
Monitored remote manual release input
Monitored remote hold input
Monitored remote mode select (door interlock)
Monitored remote released pressure switch input
Monitored Abort input
Serial connections for Sigma Si status units and
ancillary boards. (K588)
پانل های سری ZXT
Single area extinguishing panel
Dual extinguishing outputs with main/reserve configuration option
Secure Event logging 1000 events
Dynamic LCD Display
4 configurable user passcodes
Compatible with I.S. barriers
6 x Programmable relay outputs
Countdown timer displays time remaining until release
Supports up to seven, Sigma ZXT four-wire status indicators (also
compatible with Sigma SI status units for retrofit applications)
Larger enclosure available with option of 2.6A or 5.25A PSU
Approved and certified to EN12094-1, EN54-2 and EN54-4
Compatible with LE2 configuration software
پانل های سری Taktis